food for new born baby
New parents are subjected to all kinds of contradictory
advice about infant nutrition. But with a few simple guidelines – and some
advice from Precision Nutrition parents
can be exclusively breast-fed for their first six months of life.
keeps the baby developing and growing properly, helps infants fight off disease
such as gastrointestinal and respiratory infections for both now and in the
future, and may even ensure that the baby grows up to prefer healthy food.
milk is the optimal nutrient mix for infants. It’s full of good stuff like
antibodies, antimicrobial factors, enzymes, and anti-inflammatory factors along
with fatty acids (which promote optimal brain development). Because
breastfeeding stimulates the release of beneficial hormones such as oxytocin
and prolactin, it can help the mother lose weight and bond with her baby.
while breastfeeding is best, don’t feel guilty if you can’t breastfeed
exclusively. There are many circumstances that might make breastfeeding
difficult. For example, you might not be able to breastfeed if you have a
health problem, or are taking particular medications. You are not to blame.
Just do your best. You shouldn’t feel failed if you have to resort to some
formula, or exclusively use formula. In fact, most formula-fed children do just
fine. Just be sure to talk to your paediatrician about the best formula option.